Conditions appropriate for neuropsychological evaluation of the child:

  • Traumatic brain injury, concussion
  • Brain tumors
  • Leukemia and other forms of cancer
  • Genetic and metabolic syndromes (e.g., neurofibromatosis, PKU, sickle cell disease)
  • Epilepsy
  • Dyslexia and other learning disabilities


Pediatric neuropsychology is a specialty within the field of psychology. The emphasis in pediatric neuropsychology is the study and understanding of brain-behavior relationships in children with known or suspected brain injury.

The evaluation includes:

• A clinical interview and observations of the child
• An interview of parents
• A review of any school records and medical records
• Administration of standardized tests that measure brain functions, such as attention, executive functioning, memory, language, emotional functioning, visuospatial abilities, and fine-motor skills. Skills in reading, writing and math may also be assessed. The tests are selected based on the child’s presenting problems, age, developmental status, language and cultural considerations.

Dr. O’Grady forms conclusions and makes recommendations based on integration of the clinical history, observations, collateral information, and test results, with relevant research and clinical experience.

Child neuropsychological testing is used to determine the pattern of brain-related strengths and weaknesses to understand the origin of the problem and to make a diagnosis. This will guide specific treatment recommendations and educational planning.

Dr. O’Grady will send a detailed written report to your child’s doctor and a copy to you. If you wish, you can provide the report to your child’s school to guide teachers, determine eligibility for special education, and help your child achieve his or her potential.